Our Impact

We give Fellows the tools and peer-mentorship communities to reflect on their direct experiences. By combining systems thinking with engaged civics, Fellows practice contemplative action. Fellows gain increases in civic efficacy, self-confidence as leaders, and willingness to build bridges through leading local actions. Fellows also gain improvements across key determinants of mental health.

A group of rhizome members in a classroom smiling.

Seasonal Activies

Civic Service Fellows lead actions in their community each season:

Building community empowerment events around the ideas Fellows are most passionate

Teaching democracy to local elementary school students via democratic simulations and civic engagement games

Running voter education drives to motivate peers to vote locally, share paths to running for office, and help peers register and pre-register to vote

Impact on Fellows

We equip Fellows to cultivate consistent civic habits, foster a sense of belonging, and co-create the world they want to live in. We invited Fellows to share their experiences, and the results speak for themselves. Here is our impact among Fellows at the levels of 1) individual Fellows, 2) communities, and 3) country

Students gathered around a student speaking at a podium.



of Fellows feel that participating in a Fellowship has increased their civic knowledge.


say that joining Rhizome has made their life more meaningful.


feel that joining Rhizome has increased their collaboration skills.



of Fellows feel more confident in their ability to find common ground with other young people.


feel more likely to take action when they see civic opportunities in their community.


are more likely to think seriously about running for office or supporting a friend to do so.



of Fellows feel more likely to build bridges between people who disagree with each other.


feel more likely to pursue their dreams in life as a result of the Fellowship.


have a greater respect for civic institutions since becoming Fellows.

Impact on Organizers

As those who lead all our local Chapters, Youth Organizers develop leadership skills, learn by doing, and support Fellows. Here is our impact among Organizers at the levels of 1) individual Organizers 2) communities, and 3) country

A student taking a selfie of herself and another student with a poster.



of Organizers feel that they have increased their collaboration skills since starting the program.


say that joining Rhizome has made their life more meaningful.


feel that joining Rhizome has increased their civic knowledge.



of Organizers feel more likely to take action when they see civic opportunities in their community.


feel more confident in their ability to find common ground with other young people.


are more likely to think seriously about running for office or supporting a friend to do so.



of Organizers feel more likely to build bridges between people who disagree with each other.


feel more likely to pursue their dreams in life since becoming an Organizer.


have a greater respect for civic institutions since becoming an Organizer.

Mental Health Determinants

We’ve built Rhizome as a home for young people to feel genuine belonging and purpose. Using the Ryff Scale of Psychological Well-Being, we measured our impact on social determinants of mental health across six areas: personal growth, autonomy, environmental mastery, positive relations with others, purpose in life, and self-acceptance. We provided a scale with options for 1) strongly disagree 2) disagree 3) neither agree nor disagree 4) agree 5) strongly agree.

Here are our results, with one question for each area of well-being:


After the Fellowship, I now believe it is more important to have new experiences that challenge how I think about myself and the world.


After the Fellowship, I have more confidence in my opinions, even if they are contrary to the general consensus.


After the Fellowship, I feel I am more in charge of the situation and the future in which I will live.


After the Fellowship, people in my life are more likely to describe me as a giving person, willing to share my time with others.


After the Fellowship, I am less likely to be the kind of person who wanders aimlessly through life.


After the Fellowship, I appreciate more aspects of my own individual personality.

Here are results based on other key mental health indicators in Rhizome:


I feel Rhizome is a welcoming space for young people who are struggling with mental health.


I enjoyed the fellowship


I learned from the Fellowship.


Breakdown of Democratic Practices

The U.S. has long been suffering a breakdown of institutions that build democratic practices. At the same time, our country is suffering from a process we call “partisan capture”, where parties and media capture an overwhelming amount of civic attention. As a result, Americans invest our time into national, polarized forms of discourse rather than building relationships or taking local actions in our communities. Slowly but surely, we become followers rather than doers.

Students and Schools Are Under Attack

Meanwhile, school systems and young people are under attack by underfunding, mass shootings, and a national discourse that devalues teachers, students, and the role of education in equipping young people to build healthy relationships with each other. Many students are school avoidant, refusing to attend school while placing more weight on the shoulders of their parents.

Schools Can Become Spaces of Belonging

We are working for a future where schools are sites of belonging, empowerment, and hands-on practice for becoming responsible members of society. By training leaders and bridging schools with civic institutions, we enable young people to create the world they want to live in. We offer community, emotional tools, and civic skills to survive the present and build a healthier future.

Taking Responsibility For Our Country’s Future

We reckon with the responsibility that we have to co-create the future, just as we reckon with how far we are from the ideals in the Declaration of Independence, that it is the right of the people to institute government “that shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness." At a time when suicides have been climbing for two decades - and young people are afraid of being shot at school each day - we know this is not a country of Safety and Happiness for many young people.

Authentic Student Leadership and Representation

We work to represent the values and perspectives of young people. We don’t advocate for parties or candidates. We’re instead focused on closing the gap in representation, civic participation, and generational influence. This is why we are student-led at every level, and why we invite Fellows to lead actions around the nonpartisan ideas they’re most passionate about.

Rhizome as a Network of Trust-Based Relationships

We’re dedicated to supporting emerging leaders in under-resourced communities, and inclusive of any young person who wants to work with us. If you are wondering if Rhizome is a fit for you, we do not care what party you belong to or where you’re from. We will support you to become a better leader, shape change, and to build relationships that let other young people do the same.